Yearly Programs
Reflections: A national competition for students to show their creative outlets. A theme is selected and students can compete in different forms of dance, music, drama, and art.
Teacher hosplitality : Treating our wonderful teachers and staff here at Westwood.
Clothes Closet : Collecting and organizing new and used clothing donations and distributing them to those in need in our own community.
Treat Yo-Self Club : A PTSA run club for students, by students, that hosts fun and relaxing events to counteract the stressful environment school can be at times.
Principal's Coffee : An opportunity to hear about late happenings and hot topics at Westwood with Principal Campbell. The virutual coffees are avaible in video and text on the Programs page of this website.
Fish Bowl: Work with the counseling department to help with putting it together as well as donate to fish bowl.
Excellence Fund : We donate to the Excellence Fund.
Project Graduation : Yearly donation to Project Graduation
PIE Foundation : We make a basket for auction.

Adding a few more things:
Hosted on-campus voter registration twice
Awarded 4 senior scholarships
Advertised and promoted our virtual "Adulting" series, covering a range of topics to teach students life skills
Adulting Series:
Check it out here: Link to Adulting Program Page
Everything you need to know about taxes
What I wish I had known by recent graduates
Laundry, sorting, water temperature, detergent and more
Had a HUGE sock and Underwear drive
Enough was collected was last through next year
Bought 5 picnic tables for outdoor lunch
College readiness programs by our Sponsor - Yvonne Espinoza
Treat Yo Self Club, run by students successfully brough in puppies for stress relief.
Bought masks for the teacher and staff at Westwood HS
Gave our 5 senior scholarships worth $2500
Worked with one of our sponsors to bring a presenation about college admissions during covid
Brought Screenagers 2 virtually
Treated our hard working teachers and staff to lunches from Jason's Deli and Torchy's Tacos, brakfasts from Rudy's, and sweets from Austn Grind and Tiff's Treats. With the help of Band, Football, Orchestra and Women's Soccer booster clubs, we were also able to gt the Waffle Love food truck to the school. That was a big hit!
Created a new and exciting adulting programs for all those young adults need to know
Check it out here: Link to Adulting Program Page
What I wish I had known by recent graduates
Everything you need to know about taxes
The ins and outs of laundry, sorting, water temperature, detergent and more
Purchased blinds for the classrooms that needed them as a safety measure in case of a active shooter situation.
Improved school safety by working with district administration to ensure safety kits were provided to EVERY classroom in the district
Gave out over $2,000 scholarships to students
Participated in Texas PTA’s event “Straight Talk: A Matter of Life and Breath” at the Capitol and voted to support its anti-vaping initiative
Held Pep Rally where we brought in Council PTA representatives to talk about the importance of voting and registered new voters
Funded congratulatory signs to support graduating seniors in May 2020
Held our own Spirit event (school dance in Parking Lot after Football game)
Advanced 4 Westwood students to State in the National PTA REFLECTIONS Fine Arts Program
Community programs such as:
E-Cigs : A community discussion made in conjunction with the City of Austin Public Health
Angst : A mental health documentary
Screenagers : A documentary about kids and screen time
Screenagers : The next Chapter : A followup to Screenagers dealing with mental health on top of screen time and social media.