Your privacy is important to us
We would like you to know that Westwood PTSA does not release or sell your private information to anyone, not even our sponsors. We would like to reach you via our newsletters and occasional other emails but please feel free to opt out. The information to opt out is at the bottom of every communication.
Site Information
Parent Email Groups
Visit Our Store
Please click below to visit our store for memberships, donations or to buy a tshirt.
Link to the Westwood PTSA Store
For more infornation on what we do, please go to :
At the store you will also see some GiveBacks. They are unaffliated businesses that offer discounts to you and will also donate to us if you buy their products. Please check them out. Note. You will be required to make an account with memberhub in order to use givebacks. Memberhub hosts our store.
And thank you for supporting your Westwood PTSA as we strive to serve you.
To Pay in Cash or Check
To pay in cash and check please print out this pdf with payment to the drop box at Westwood HS.
Cash or Check Membership form in PDF format
Or, you can Email Membership and we'll be happy to help you
To Become a Sponsor
Some information on our tiers has been included below.
Please Email fundraising@westwoodptsa.org for more information or to sign up as PTSA sponsor.